Form VTR-264 Repossessed Motor Vehicle Affidavit - Texas

Form VTR-264, Repossessed Motor Vehicle Affidavit , is a legal document that is supposed to be used in Texas when a motor vehicle is being repossessed. The purpose of the affidavit is to collect information about the lienholder and the motor vehicle, and pass it to the county tax assessor-collector's office in order for them to make a record.

This form is supposed to be completed by the lienholder or an authorized agent of the lienholder. This affidavit was released by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and was last revised on August 1, 2016 . A fillable Texas Repo Affidavit is available for download below.

Generally, before submitting the affidavit, the filer (the lienholder or their agent) is supposed to attach applicable documents to it. The full list of attachments will depend on the method of repossession and on the circumstances of the situation. The Texas Reposition Affidavit contains notes that are supposed to help the filer to figure out which documents they will need.


Texas Repo Affidavit Instructions

Completing Form VTR-264 is a straightforward process. The affidavit contains several parts, namely:

  1. Instructions . This part of the document provides the filer with the guidelines on how to complete the form and where to submit it.
  2. Information About the Vehicle . Here the filer must designate the vehicle identification number, its year, make, body style, and model. This information is needed for identifying the vehicle.
  3. Information About the Lienholder . In this section of the affidavit, the filer must indicate the name of the lienholder and their contact details, which includes their email, telephone number, and address. Additionally, the filer must state the name of the authorized agent of the lienholder and the date of repossession.
  4. Method of Repossession . Filers are supposed to use this part of the form to designate the method of repossession. The filer must choose from the options presented on the form and check the appropriate box.
  5. Certification . Here, the filer must state that the information they presented in the form is true and correct. To do so, they must sign and date the document. If the document is signed by the agent of the lienholder, they must attach evidence of the authority, i.e., Power of Attorney.
  6. Notary Public Verification . The contents of the document and the signature of the filer must be confirmed by the notary public. They must sign under the statement that everything mentioned above is valid, put the notary stamp on the affidavit, and sign it.

Download Form VTR-264 Repossessed Motor Vehicle Affidavit - Texas

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Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Texas Legal Forms Legal United States Legal Forms

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