Yes. Every business must have a business license, also called an occupational tax certificate, before opening for business or a penalty will be assessed. This also applies to businesses that are changing ownership.
The first step to obtaining a business license in Marietta is to verify that your small business is located within Marietta city limits. Having a Marietta mailing address does not automatically guarantee that your business is located in Marietta’s jurisdiction, so it is best to double check by going here. Once you are there, you can click on a Google map link that shows the exact city limits of Marietta. After verifying that your business is located in Marietta, you must check that your business is located in the correct zoning area by calling the Planning and Zoning office at (770) 794-5669.
You must fill out the associated application materials found here. There are two documents that must be filled out to apply for a Marietta business license: the Affidavit Verifying Status and the General Business License Application.
If you are a professional (someone who needs an additional state license to practice), you must also fill out the Professional Application and provide a copy of your certification to practice in Georgia. A full list of professions that require this form can be found on the Professional Application.
Privilege licenses, such as those for alcoholic beverages, pawnshops, and taxi services, must be approved at a regular review board meeting before the Business License Division can issue a license. If your business will sell alcohol, you must fill out the Alcoholic Beverage License Application Form. Call (707) 794-5520 for more information about this process.
The Affidavit Verifying Status form is a document you must sign verifying that you are legally able to obtain a business license in the state of Georgia. This document must be signed in the presence of a notary public.
On this application, you will need to know information about the business (name, location, date it will open, and what type of business it is), information about the owner(s) and the number of employees.
If you are opening a home-based business, you must also fill out and sign the Home-Based Business Acknowledgment form. You must also prove that this is your residence by providing a copy of an electric bill or a lease agreement.
The cost of your business license is based on how much money you expect to take in and how many people you employ. Please go here for more information.
If you are a professional, you may choose to pay a flat fee instead of the amount of money determined by the process described above.
Businesses that involve the handling food must also obtain a health certificate. For more information on this process, contact Cobb County Environmental Health Department at (770) 514-2300 or the Georgia Department of Agriculture at (404) 656-3600.
If your business will be located in the historical district of Marietta, you may have additional requirements to complete. Contact the Downtown Marietta Development Authority from the website for more information.
Businesses that handle hazardous materials may have additional requirements. Contact the Marietta Fire Prevention Office at (770) 794-5450 for more information. If you will be providing day care for children or adults, your location must be approved by the City Zoning Department (770) 794-5669 and you must contact the State of Georgia Department of Human Resources Child Care License Division at (404) 657-9651.
Once your application is complete, you should contact the Business License Department of Marietta, GA at (770) 794-5520. Your application and payment can be submitted at the Business License office located at 205 Lawrence Street, Marietta, GA 30060.
Most of the information you need to obtain a business license in Marietta, GA is in the Business License Division section of the City of Marietta’s website.
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