Why Salon Businesses Need Salon Waiver Forms

Owning a salon can be rewarding and challenging. Providing a space for people to receive services that help them look and feel better is awesome, but what about the moments when a client isn’t satisfied with your service? Or when, perhaps, a client has an unfortunate allergic reaction to a product used? A salon owner should be prepared in any instance and have the proper documents in place to protect themselves and their business. That’s where a salon waiver form comes in.

Read on to learn what a salon waiver form is, why it’s important, and what it should include. Plus, see examples of a salon waiver form and download our free PDF!

But, if you want to start building your own form now, you can, with Vagaro’s form builder.

What is a Salon Waiver Form?

A salon waiver form, also known as a release of liability form or consent form, is a legal document that clients are asked to sign before receiving services from a salon, spa, or fitness facility. If you have liability insurance, having a salon waiver form in place can also help protect you from potentially high premiums.

When choosing what to include in your salon waiver form, consider the following options:

Why is it Important to have Salon Waiver Forms?

Salon waiver forms help ensure that you & your business are protected by informing and educating clients about potential side effects or allergic reactions that may occur. The form also covers:

Risk Mitigation: Unforeseen events can happen during salon treatments, even when the professionals are highly skilled. Having a salon waiver form in place helps mitigate potential risks and ensures that clients are aware of all possibilities, no matter how unlikely.

Legal Protection: In the event of a dispute or legal action, a signed salon waiver form can be a crucial piece of evidence. It demonstrates that the client agreed to the terms and potential risks, which can protect the salon from liability.

Client Safety: Gathering information about allergies and medical conditions allows salon professionals to take the necessary precautions to ensure client safety. This information helps avoid complications and allergic reactions.

Professionalism: Implementing a salon waiver form demonstrates professionalism and a commitment to ensuring the best possible experience for clients. It shows that the salon takes its clients' safety seriously.

What Information Should You Include in a Salon Waiver Form?

A salon waiver form should contain general information and be presented before the client’s appointment. It’s also important to mention that they should be updated every couple of years and/or when a new service is added to your menu.

The waiver form should include:

In the world of beauty & wellness, a salon waiver form is a simple yet effective document. It helps protect both your salon business and clients, ensuring informed consent and minimizing legal risks. Salons that provide waiver forms not only maintain a professional standard, but also foster trust & transparency among their clientele.